If I were allowed to self-host only one software, it would undoubtedly be Paperless-ngx[1]. I seldom consider software to be life-changing, but this is one of those rare occasions. Paperless-ngx has allowed me to establish a workflow for scanning and organizing documents. I scan a document with my ScanSnap iX1600 to a folder on my desktop that is monitored by Syncthing[2]. This Syncthing directory syncs to a directory on my Paperless-ngx server, known as the "consume" directory. When Paperless-ngx detects a document within the consume directory, it absorbs it, performs OCR, and automatically knows how to tag it due to its machine learning capabilities. This allows me to organize and retain most documents that I acquire while also giving me the freedom to only keep physical copies of those that are vitally important.
That being said, it would be unwise to run such an important service without performing regular backups. I chose to use Rclone[3] for backups because it offers a wide variety of remote storage options. Most importantly for this scenario, Rclone is also capable of encrypting files before copying them.
It is worth noting that this post is just a quick overview of how I decided to implement backups for my Paperless-ngx instance rather than a hands-on tutorial.
#!/bin/bash HOST_EXPORT_PATH="/home/tlivolsi/paperless-ngx/export" DOCKER_COMPOSE_PATH="/home/tlivolsi/paperless-ngx" RCLONE_CONFIG="/home/tlivolsi/.config/rclone/rclone.conf" DOCKER_EXPORT_PATH="../export" REMOTE="crypt:/" BACKUP_PREFIX="paperless_backup" MAX_BACKUPS=6 # Function to log errors and exit log_and_exit() { logger -t paperless_backup "$1" exit 1 } # Generate backup file name current_date=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") backup_file_name="${BACKUP_PREFIX}_${current_date}" # Run the document exporter cd "$DOCKER_COMPOSE_PATH" || log_and_exit "Failed to navigate to docker-compose directory" docker compose exec -T webserver document_exporter "$DOCKER_EXPORT_PATH" -z -zn "$backup_file_name" \ || log_and_exit "Docker compose command failed" # Ensure backup file creation [ -f "$HOST_EXPORT_PATH/$backup_file_name.zip" ] || log_and_exit "Backup file not found in host export path; aborting rclone copy." # Manage old backups backup_count=$(rclone ls "$REMOTE" --config "$RCLONE_CONFIG" | grep -c "${BACKUP_PREFIX}_.*\.zip$") if [ "$backup_count" -ge "$MAX_BACKUPS" ]; then oldest_backup=$(rclone lsl "$REMOTE" --config "$RCLONE_CONFIG" | awk '/'"$BACKUP_PREFIX"'/ {print $2" "$3" "$NF}' | sort | head -n 1 | awk '{print $3}') if [ -n "$oldest_backup" ]; then rclone delete "$REMOTE$oldest_backup" --config "$RCLONE_CONFIG" \ && logger -t paperless_backup "Removed oldest backup file: $oldest_backup" fi fi # Copy the backup file using rclone rclone copy "$HOST_EXPORT_PATH/$backup_file_name.zip" "$REMOTE" --config "$RCLONE_CONFIG" -vv \ || log_and_exit "rclone command failed" # Verify backup file existence on remote server rclone ls "$REMOTE" --config "$RCLONE_CONFIG" | grep -q "$backup_file_name.zip" \ || log_and_exit "Backup file not found on remote server; aborting deletion of local backup." # Remove local backup file rm "$HOST_EXPORT_PATH/$backup_file_name.zip"
to Schedule the Backup Intervals
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user && touch ~/.config/systemd/user/paperless_backup.{service,timer}
Here are the contents of the systemd paperless_backup.service service file:
#### paperless_backup.service #### [Unit] Description=Daily Paperless Backup [Service] ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/tlivolsi/paperless_backup.sh [Install] WantedBy=default.target
And here are the contents of the corresponding paperless_backup.timer file:
#### paperless_backup.timer #### [Unit] Description=Timer for Paperless Backup Service [Timer] # The timer causes the paperless_backup.service to run every day at midnight. OnCalendar=*-*-* 00:00:00 Persistent=true [Install] WantedBy=timers.target
Subsequently reload systemd so it's aware of these new units, enable and start the timer, and then verify that it is running.
$ systemctl --user daemon-reload && systemctl --user enable --now paperless_backup.timer && systemctl --user status paperless_backup.timer ● paperless_backup.timer - Timer for Paperless Backup Service Loaded: loaded (/home/tlivolsi/.config/systemd/user/paperless_backup.timer; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2023-12-13 17:52:15 UTC; 45min ago Trigger: Thu 2023-12-14 00:00:00 UTC; 5h 22min left Triggers: ● paperless_backup.service Dec 13 17:52:15 paperless systemd[2162085]: Started Timer for Paperless Backup Service.
^ | [1] | Paperless-ngx |
^ | [2] | Syncthing |
^ | [3] | Rclone |